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From The Board - Sept 2021

From the Board

Water. More than 884 million people in the world don’t have access to safe water. Not only are we lucky enough to live in the Texas Hill Country, here in Medina we have plenty of water, for now.

If you are reading these notes, you have discovered our new website for the Medina Water Supply Corporation. This is just the beginning of a number of projects your Board has in progress to ensure our Medina residents continue to have a sufficient supply of clean water into the future.

The Medina Water Supply Corporation currently operates two well sites; the Finch Plant and the Stringtown Road Plant. Both sites are aging and each has issues which the Board is addressing. We recently made repairs for leaks at both plants. The Finch Plant water tower maintenance has been deferred for some years now and is in need of repairs. The Stringtown Road Plant is reaching its life cycle requiring replacement and upgrades. To meet the needs of future growth, the Board is exploring the options of a third well site.

Obviously, these repairs and upgrades will be expensive. One of our missions is to keep rates as low as possible for our members. To that end, the Board is currently working with several agencies to develop grant proposals to help fund these much-needed repairs. We will continue to update information on these projects so visit this website to say informed.

There have been a number of changes to your Board since the last general election meeting. Managing and guiding the activities of the Water Corporation is often time consuming and Board members take on many of the tasks commonly assigned to full time employees in larger water corporations. We would like to acknowledge the service and contributions of our departing Board members: Mel Hagemeier, Dwane Bell, Don Gillette, and Ernie Gibson. Thanks for your support and service to the Medina community.

We would also like to welcome the new Board Members who have volunteered to serve and to guide us as we move forward with future projects. Our thanks to Harvey Young (our new Board Vice President), David Reed, and Bob Buck. Bob moves from his position as our Contracts Manager to resume a previously held position on the Board. We also welcome his replacement, Kevin Ayers, who is the face of the Water Corporation as our office and billing representative. Board Members Janet Miller and Jamie McFarland remain, providing much needed continuity and advice to the Board at large. Thanks to all.

Finally, we want to also mention the great support we get from several part time employees; Shane Keese and Grace Atwood who coordinate with outside vendors and ensure our water supply is safe.

Finally, your Board invites you to attend our monthly meetings held the second Monday of each month, 6pm, at the Medina Library. We appreciate your support.


Daniel Poston

President, MWSC Board of Directors